
More than 100 artists gathered in record time to create five albums under the title: Додому. All money raised in album purchases or donations is in support of the people of the Ukraine.
You can still donate and support. Keep sharing and spreading the word, and let’s keep raising for Ukraine.
By contributing to this project you can also discover new music and new artists. Keep supporting them by heading to their own Bandcamp and social media!

Додому is Ukranian for home, or more precisely going home.
Мир / 和平 / Peace / Paz / शांति / سَلَامٌ / สันติภาพ / 平穏 / Friede / Paix

Додому is Ukranian for home, or more precisely going home; what the world wishes for the Ukrainians today. While we will not be able to offer the end of the war, a return to peace or any sense of serenity to the people of Ukraine — or the ones of Russia, who for the matter, have been trapped in the foolishness of the leader of their country — we aim, with our tiny hands, to bring support, resources and perhaps a breather to all the ones that suffer. Light over darkness.

We are over a hundred musicians from all around the world, and from all backgrounds, who have compiled a selection of music which spans over multiple volumes, in support of the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Support them by downloading Додому — one or all of its volumes! All profits directed to the National Bank of Ukraine’s Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians. Spread the word. Truth will prevail.

Мир / 和平 / Peace / Paz / शांति / سَلَامٌ / สันติภาพ / 平穏 / Friede / Paix

Compiled by Doug Thomas for NOOX

Mastered by Giuliano Poles

Artwork by Olivia Cuadrado

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