12 pianists send messages of Hope

Hope album cover - 12 pianists spread a message of hope
Hope – album cover

12 pianists send messages of Hope through 12 uplifting compositions on a new piano compilation album. Each of the well-established pianists from across the globe has interpreted the theme of Hope in their own way.

Click to hear other tracks on Spotify from each of the 12 musicians.

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Some background

2020 was a difficult year for us all. A raging pandemic, inequality and racial tensions, and ever-growing concerns of climate change.

These uplifting and inspirational piano melodies will bring peace of mind and put a little smile in these dark times. It is a message of hope for better days in 2021, a message of healing, unity, equality, and love.

The pianists come from Austria, China, Lebanon, USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Sweden. The album is produced and released by Silent Beat Records.

Listen to all tracks:

Click here for a Spotify playlist that includes all tracks

Release schedule:

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