
 Uplifting Piano Music

Solo piano music to inspire you and uplift you, and take your breath away. If you like this, check out these playlists: “The Most Beautiful Piano Music”, “Sad and Melancholic Piano for Relaxation, Meditation, Study, and Reflection – 13 hours+”, or “Chilled Piano for relaxation and study”

Gymnopédie and similar exquisite piano pieces

Calm, gentle and relaxing pieces of music – in styles similar to Erik Satie’s Gymnopoedies and Gnossiennes. Perfect for relaxation, meditation, studying, and peace. More than 5 hours of sublime piano music from Erik Satie, Agnes Obel, Max Richter, Ludovico Einaudi, Nils Frahm, Roger Evernden, etc.

Sad and Melancholic Piano

Wonderful solo piano music for those sad or reflective times. There is over 13 hours of beautiful piano music here. It is ideal for study, relaxation, being at peace with yourself, and meditation. Love, peace, joy, and happiness.

The Most Beautiful Piano Music: the best solo piano pieces – some contemporary, some old – 8 hours+

Beautiful and sublime piano music – some contemporary, some old. This is one of several piano playlists that I have put together… if you like this one, then you might also like “Sad and Melancholic Piano for Relaxation, Meditation, Study, and Reflection – 8 hours+”